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An Awesome Tool to Help You Prep, Plot, and Plan for NaNoWriMo (or ANY novel writing project!)
Introducing: Trope Talk Videos!
Can an Onion Help You Write a Better Novel? (Introducing, the Plot Onion!)
So What Is Arameth, Exactly?
If You Write Fiction, This Is for You!
Plantsing: How Loose Outlines Save My Turkey… and My Books
Plotting Your Story, Step #7: The Perfect Ending
Plotting Your Story, Step #6: Detailed Outline
Plotting Your Story, Step #5: Revelations
Plotting Your Story, Step #4: Thematic Threads
Plotting Your Story, Step #3: External Story (Plot)
Plotting Your Story, Step #2: Internal Story (Characters)
Plotting Your Story, Step #1: Premise
Plotting Your Story: How to Craft a Complex, Compelling Story That Keeps Readers Turning the Pages
Plot or Characters – Which Matters More?