Amazon's serial reading platform, Kindle Vella, is having a truly rare promotional event this week: readers can read every story on Kindle Vella completely FREE -- up to 100 episodes per day -- between October 5th and October 11th!
(Note: This offer is only valid for U.S. readers, as far as I know, because Vella has not yet opened to other countries.)
If you're new to Kindle Vella, this is a fantastic chance to try out the platform at no risk. You just might find your new favorite story. And authors do get compensated for these reads, so it's a win for everybody!
I know I would be ecstatic to see a flood of reads come in on my Kindle Vella stories during this promotion... so please feel free to spread the word!
If you haven't tried my stories yet, I'd love for you to give them a try this week! You can search "Kindle Vella Crystal Crawford" on Amazon, or you can use the direct links below:
If you're so inclined, you can even share a post specifically about my stories (I'll include an image you can use on social media below, or just visit my Facebook or Instagram pages and share my posts about this promo from there).
Thank you, and happy binge-reading! :)