If you're looking to add some new reads (and new authors) to your Kindle or TBR, look no further... I've got you covered!
All of these below are themed, curated lists of e-books (or even paperbacks/hardbacks, in one of these promos!)--to help you find the reads you're really looking for. Many of the listed books are even on sale, right now!
(You'll find a book or two of mine on some of these lists, too.)
Just click on the banners (or typed-out links) below to be taken to the page for each themed promo.

Novels of November: Young Adult books! Promo ends November 30, 2023.

Choose Your Trail: Fantasy books! Promo ends December 1, 2023.

Discover a New Favorite Series: First-in-series or prequel books to Fantasy and Sci-Fi series... so you can try out and discover new series! Promo ends December 1, 2023.

Give Them a Love of Books: Books for children, middle-grade, and young-adult readers. Promo ends November 30, 2023.

Christmas Books: Clean fiction and non-fiction books that have paperback/hardback editions available and would make good Christmas gifts! Promo ends December 13, 2023.
NOTE: I did not personally curate the above promo lists, and have not personally read all the books on the lists. If you're unsure whether a book is actually clean, is a good fit for you, etc., you can click on the book's cover on the promo page to open its description page and learn more about it.